P r o f e s s o r
C e e s v a n D a m
Cees van Dam is Professor of European Tort Law at Maastricht University where he teaches at the European Law School.
At the School of Law of King's College London, he teaches English and comparative tort law.
Since publishing his PhD in 1989 (Utrecht University, cum laude), he has been writing about English, German, French and Dutch tort law.
His research includes the impact of EU law and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights on tort law.
In 2006, Oxford University Press published his widely consulted handbook on European Tort Law. The second edition was published In 2013.
Breakthrough in parent company liability. Three Shell defeats, the end of an era, and new paradigms
European Company and Financial Law Review 2021/5, p. 714-748
In: Peer Zumbansen, The Oxford Handbook of Transnational Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021), p. 555-574
A Bank’s Duty of Care: Perspectives from European and Comparative Law. Part I (with Danny Busch)
European Business Law Review 2019, p. 117-148
A Bank’s Duty of Care: Perspectives from European and Comparative Law. Part II (with Danny Busch)
European Business Law Review 2019, p. 367-416
A Bank's Duty of Care (edited with Danny Busch)
London: Hart Publishing, 2017
Introduction (with Danny Busch), p. 3-7
Netherlands (with Danny Busch and Bart van der Wiel), p. 203-247
Perspectives from European and Comparative Law (with Danny Busch), p. 375-447
A Bank’s Duty of Care and the Anglo-American/European Divide
Blog post Maastricht European Private Law Institute, 2 October 2017
2nd edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013
Liability of Regulators New Dutch Style
In: C. van Schoubroeck, W. Devroe, K. Geens and J. Stuyck (eds.), Over grenzen, Liber amicorum Herman Cousy (Antwerpen-Cambrigde: Intersentia, 2011), p. 717-729
Who is Afraid of Diversity? Cultural Diversity, European Co-operation, and European Tort Law
King’s Law Journal 20 (2009), p. 281-308
The Statutory Frameworks and General Rules on Unfair Commercial Practices in the 25 EU Member States on the Eve of Harmonisation (with Erika Budaite)
In: Christian Twigg-Flesner, Deborah Parry, Geraint Howells and Annette Nordhausen (eds.), The Yearbook of Consumer Law 2008 (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007), p. 107-139
European Tort Law and the Many Cultures of Europe
In: Thomas Wilhelmsson, Elina Paunio and Annika Pohjolainen (eds.), Private Law and the Many Cultures of Europe, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2007, p. 57-80
Unfair Commercial Practices - General Report (with Erika Budaite) (Report for the European Commission)
London, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2005
Unfair Commercial Practices - National Reports (with Erika Budaite) (Report for the European Commission)
London, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2005
The only English-language volume providing a detailed, comparative introduction to European Tort Law
Introduces key aspects of French, German, English, and EU tort law, as well as case law of the European Court of Human Rights
Analyses, in a comparative and supranational perspective, requirements for liability, such as rights and interests, intention, negligence, strict liability, causation, damage, and damages
Assesses liability for motor vehicles, products, children, employees, and subsidiaries, environmental liability, nuisance, and liability of public bodies
Discusses the impact of cultural diversity on legal systems, offering a better understanding of the deeply rooted differences between jurisdictions and the consequences for harmonization
Explains the role of tort law as regards human rights violations by businesses, offering a valuable background for the discussion on business and human rights.

Honoured by the speech of
the Senior Law Lord,
at the launch of the first edition of European Tort Law, hosted by the British Institute of International and Comparatiive Law
(London, 16 June 2006)