P r o f e s s o r
C e e s v a n D a m
Alongside my academic activities, I regularly act as legal counsel. I advise law firms, multinational companies, SME's, governmental departments, and NGOs on a range of legal issues. I aim to contribute to practical and sustainable solutions for the client. For this purpose, I regularly use my experience as a judge and an arbitrator.
Responsible and Sustainable Business Conduct
transnational liability of companies for human rigths violations
regulatory due diligence obligations for companies
operationlising the OESO-Guidelines for multinational enterprises and the United Nations Guiding Principles
designing a sustainable business plan to respect human rights
drafting and implementing a sustainable human rights due diligence proces
strategic use of the Sustainable Development Goals and align them with responsible and sustainable business conduct
Tort law and liability
Dutch tort law
English tort law
comparative tort law
product liability
unfair commercial practices
For more information about his consultancy, please contact me here.