P r o f e s s o r
C e e s v a n D a m
My current academic affiliations are:
Professor of European Tort Law, Maastricht University
Visiting Professor, School of Law, King's College London
Short CV
2024 - present
Lecturer, FHR Institute for Higher Education, Paramaribo, Suriname
2023 - present:
Voorzitter Raad van Toezicht, Stichting FrisseWind.nu
2022 - present:
Lid Raad van Advies, Stichting Certificaathouders Triodos Bank
2016 - present:
Chair Supervisory Board, Stichting Victimes des Déchets Toxiques Côte d’Ivoire
2015 - present:
Professor of European Tort Law, Maastricht University
2008 - present:
Visiting Professor, King’s College London
2007 - present:
Independent legal consultant
2017 - 2020:
Member Monitoring Committee, Dutch Banking Agreement, Social Economic Council (SER)
2016 - 2023:
Jurylid van de jaarlijkse Beer Impuls Scriptieprijs
2014 - 2022:
Professor of International Business and Human Rights, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. This was an eight year tenure, sponsored by Amnesty International Nederland and the Stichting Vredeswetenschappen
2007 - 2014:
Honorary Professor of European Private Law, Utrecht University
2007 - 2014:
Visiting Professor, Queen Mary, University of London
2004 - 2007:
Director Regulation Forum and Director European and Comparative Law Programme, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London
2003 - 2007:
Member of the Board of the Dutch Lawyers Association (Nederlandse Juristenvereniging, NJV)
2000 - 2004:
Chair of General Contract Terms Committees at the Dutch Social Economic Council (SER)
1996 - 2009:
Editor in Chief of Verkeersrecht, a Dutch monthly on civil, criminal and administrative traffic law
1992 - 2004:
Full Professor of Private Law, Vrije University Amterdam
1991 - 2008:
Deputy Judge, District Court Arnhem
1990 - 1992:
Member of Staff, Legislative Department, Ministry of Justrice, The Netherlands
1984 - 1990:
PhD researcher and lecturer, Molengraaff Institute for Private Law, Utrecht University
LL.M. in Dutch private law, Utrecht University
LL.B. in Dutch law, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Inaugural lecture
Rotterdam School of Management
18 September 2015

Inaugural Lecture
Vrije Universieit Amsterdam
25 March 1994