P r o f e s s o r
C e e s v a n D a m
Cees van Dam is a leading expert in European Air Passenger Rights. He successfully advised EUclaim in its dispute with the entire airline industry before the Dutch courts and the European Court of Justice.
In 2011, he published the world’s first App on Air Passenger Rights for smartphones and tablets.
It was also the first time that information from a European Regulation (261/2004) was made available in an App for a global consumer audience.
The App for Apple and for Android has been downloaded in 120 countries worldwide. The App was updated in 2022 to reflect the relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
The App provides a wealth of practical information for frequent, occasional and once-in-a-lifetime flyers, in case things do not go to plan at the airport:
flight cancellation
flight delays
denied boarding
luggage delays
luggage damage
reduced mobility
claim guidance
Moet ik een voucher accepteren na geannuleerde vlucht?
NRC Handelsblad, Consument & Corona, 4 april 2020
Compensatie voor de werkgever bij vertraagde vlucht van de werknemer
Verkeersrecht 65 (2017) 5 (53), p. 175-181
Is de touroperator aansprakelijk voor een beroving op de parkeerplaats?
NRC Handelsblad, De Uitspraak, 28 april 2014
Laat Malaysia en de KLM betalen
NRC Handelsblad, Opinie, 29 juli 2014
Blog on Blogspot (2011-2014)
Verkeersrecht 60 (2012) 4, p. 134-141
NRC Handelsblad, 27 maart 2012
London: APR Publishing Ltd, 2011
London: APR Publishing Ltd, 2011
Air Passenger Rights after Sturgeon
Air and Space Law 36 (2011) 4/5, p. 259–274
​Luchtvaartmaatschappijen zijn niet gek op passagiersrechten
Nederlands Juristenblad 85 (2010) 11, p. 672-676
Nederlands Juristenblad 85 (2010) 19, p. 1235-1236
Compensation for Passengers of Delayed Flights
Analysis of Airlines' Positions Regarding the Sturgeon judgement of the European Court of Justice
Legal Advice to EUclaim, Hendrik J. Noorderhaven, CEO
London, 25 January 2010
Compensatie voor passagiers van vertraagde vluchten
Analyse van standpunten van luchtvaartmaatschappijen inzake het Sturgeon-arrest van het Europese Hof van Justitie
Advies aan EUclaim, Hendrik J. Noorderhaven, CEO
London, 25 januari 2010

Download the Air Passenger Rights App for Apple and Android.
Downloaded in 126
countries worldwide
(scroll down for larger map)